Reply To: Sending and receiving application messages through overlay (in this case Chord)

Home Forums PeerfactSim Forum Sending and receiving application messages through overlay (in this case Chord) Reply To: Sending and receiving application messages through overlay (in this case Chord)

Matthias Feldotto

Hi Philipp,

yes, that is correct, the KBR methods only handle KBR messages. One can discuss, if this is the best way, but it is the current implementation.

But instead of modifying the KBRMsgHandler (what is also possible and should work), you can simply mark your own message implementation with the KBRMessage marker interface. Let your message class just implement the interface org.peerfact.api.overlay.kbr.KBRLookupMessage (pay attention, there exists a class with the same name) and it should be delivered correctly.


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