CentralizedIndex not working?

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  • #746
    Philipp Giesen

    I tried to run centralized index as an overlay for my application (tried as well with the filesharing application). But it seems not to work. The problem is, that every node joins the network as a server. The join-operation within CIClientNode is never used. If I modify the host builder to include the server=false statement for the all-group, then the method is used, but I get a NullPointerException. The reason for this exception lies within the ClientJoinOperation-Class. The constructor states

    public ClientJoinOperation(CIClientNode component, TransInfo ownTransInfo, OperationCallback<Object> callback) {
    super(component, callback);
    request = new ClientJoinRequestMsg(null, null, ownTransInfo, getOperationID());


    which leads to the NullPointerException in the Constructor of ClientJoinRequestMsg due to the fact, that the first two arguments are hardcoded null.

    It seems to me, that the ClientJoinOperation will never work this way. Has the development be abandoned?


    Matthias Feldotto

    The two centralized overlays, CentralizedIndex and CentralizedStorage, are only implemented for testing purposes. Therefore they are not very well tested and should not be used in productive scenarios. If you want to run evaluations with centralized implementations you have to build your own overlay.

    Nevertheless, they should run without exceptions. There was a small error in the size calculations as the messages need no receiver (it is always the known server). I’ve just fixed it and committed the changes.

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