Help in understanding tutorial how to create own overlay.pdf

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    Shreyas Sarvothama


    This is my second post here, first one was resolved really soon hoping that this would be too.

    In section 3.4 of the document it says
    Now let’s start creating the first components we need to create our node component. We
    use the interface OverlayID located in the API Packets of PeerfactSim.KOM. Let us call
    our ID component MyOverlayID. In the following listing we see an auto-generated class in
    Eclipse implementing the OverlayID-Interface.

    But here I dont see any class MyOverlayID. I can find OverlayID class in de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.overlay.

    Should I generate MyOverlayID in this package? If not where to find it.

    Please help. A very newbie. Thanks in advance.


    Shreyas Sarvothama

    I again would like to ask another question. In the tutorial which I am guessing is old OverlayID interface is not with generics but the version I am using It is with generics. Is there a latest tutorial available?

    Matthias Feldotto


    thanks for your interest in the simulator. Sadly not all tutorials are up to date, because of several changes in the simulator. Also the overlay tutorial is outdated.

    To summarize: All references to APIs and their packages should be nearly the same to the current code, but in contrast the implementation packages have changed.

    Please look at an existing overlay (for example Chord) as example and try to implement your own one.


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