How to plot simulation results?

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  • #981
    Anas Anis

    I am running the simulator for some overlays, e.g. chord2, but no
    LookupComplexity.dat file was created nor its containing folder in the
    ‘output’ folder. So does anybody know what is wrong?


    Which config-file did you use? Which application in specific was using

    Try using the filesharing application, do you get some results with

    Anas Anis

    what do you mean by a ‘config-file’ that I use?
    I’m only running the simulator using the batch file ‘runGui’, then I
    select ‘chord2.xml’ from ‘visualization’ from the right side of the
    opened window, then I press ‘Start Simulation’.
    So am I missing some steps?


    As you say, you use the config file “/config/visualization/chord2.xml”
    It creates a file named “outputs/DHTFilesharingResults.csv”
    This file presents the performance of Chord in the filesharing

    Have a look in the config file (chord2.xml), there it is listed which
    layers should be simulated and what should be measured during the
    Following analyzers are active:

    <Monitor class=”de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.common.DefaultMonitor”
    start=”0″ stop=”$finishTime”>

    class=”de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.vis.analyzer.VisAnalyzer” >



    class=”de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.analyzer.DHTFilesharingAnalyzer” />


    So there are only 2 analyzers: one for the visualization and one for
    the performance of Chord in the filesharing application. No
    “LookupComplexity.dat” is created.
    Use the “DHTFilesharingResults.csv” for your results.

    For more information, have a look at the document for the first stepst
    in PeerfactSim.KOM – Fork of UPB:

    Best regards,

    Anas Anis

    Ok, now I know why this file is not created as a result of simulating
    this config-file, but according to the video you mentioned, the
    LookupComplexity.dat was created as a result of simulating chord2.xml
    and filesharing2-gnutella06 (or may be because only one of them), and
    this really confuses me because i got no such output file(s).

    Anyway, it’s still unclear how to plot the results
    (DHTFilesharingResults.csv or chord2_structure_complexity.plt) using
    gnuplot, i have wgnuplot.exe and i’m trying to open either the .plt
    file or the .csv file, but none of them is showing any results, and it
    gives me ‘No data in plot’ when trying to open
    ‘chord2_structure_complexity.plt’ using ‘wgnuplot.exe’.



    Dear Anas Anis,

    having the DHTFilesharingResults.csv is a good start. Now you just
    have to plot the results.
    Gnuplot offers a good tutorial on how to be used:
    First of all, you have to open the .plt files, look into it and
    understand how gnuplot works.

    After that, you can also use the gnuplot-file listed on the seminars

    Best regards

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