Publish and Lookup Mechanisms

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  • #851
    Chintan Parekh

    I was just trying to debug the nodes an I found out the following thing which surprised me:

    1. Publish Mechanishm

    I have used network Id’s

    FileSharingApplication: // Start of Publish
    DocumentStored: // Place where document is store
    ResultMessage: // Notification where it is stored

    The question over here is that why is the “resultMessage” always sent to “”…No matter what? How does the original node which is “” (specifically in this case informed that it is published).

    The problem gets really difficult when I debug lookup mechanism

    2. Lookup Mechanism

    FileSharingApplication: // Start of Publish
    Finds the file : // Place where document is stored just retrieves it
    ResultMessage/Store Document: // Retrieves it and stores it

    So over here always the document is getting stored on “” which apparently I think is the localhost. So the problem here is that every lookup mechanism stores the document at this node and just in case in my scenario if I have a cache then there is just 1 cache in the whole network if this is to happen.

    Please let me know what exactly is happening..Hoping to hear from you..!

    Chintan Parekh

    Hoping to hear your inputs this is the main problem..I have cache developed and because of this behavior everything is stored on the local node..!..

    Matthias Feldotto

    I just checked everything. The used nodes look fine. Perhaps you have used a wrong field in your output, the analyzer gets more than one node as result (everytime for example also the initiator of a lookup). To check it, you can use the SimpleNetLayer, there you have integers as net ids (0, 1, 2, …), so it is easier to have an overview.

    Chintan Parekh

    Yes, I am sure the output produced are perfectly right..!.

    I request you to please put “sysout” when the lookup is started and when the document is saved..Both the locations are different..!

    Awaiting your reply..!

    Chintan Parekh


    Thanks. SimpleNet Layer did help a lot as it just generates integer which helps a lot in debugging..!

    However, figured out the problem..Apparently some how my FileSharingApplication obejct was turned to static..Don’t know how and hence the problem….Never saw that that coming..

    Anyway, Sorry for the trouble and thanks for the help..!!..Perfectly fine now.:!
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