Understand Filesharing.dat

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  • #862
    Chintan Parekh


    I was trying to modify Filesharing.dat and I just have this small question:
    I have also pasted the file for reference..
    Basically I want the commented bold thing to happen.

    I needed to know where the “files” are coming from. When we say publishResourcesFromSet files 100. What exactly is “files”? Where is it?

    Hoping to hear from you soon…!

    Thank you.:!

    # action file for FileSharing
    all 1s-120m FileSharingApplication:join

    all 120m-180m FileSharingApplication:publishResourcesFromSet files 100

    // all 120s-180s FileSharingApplication:lookupResourceFromAttlistPeriodically attList 100

    all 180m FileSharingApplication:lookupResourceFromSetPeriodically files 10m

    Matthias Feldotto

    Hey Chintan,

    “files” is only the name of a well-defined file set. In the case of FileSharing, it can be found in the resources section:


    name=”files” size=”100″ zipfExp=”0.7″ meanReorderIntvl=”600″ maxFilesize=”102400″/>

    Here are the properties of the set are defined. If you want to use another set named “attList” you have to define this, too.

    I hope that information helps you!

    Chintan Parekh


    Thanks a lot..I was waiting for your reply..But got no notification..Just realized it was disabled..
    Yes, I was looking for this only..Thank you..!

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